Thursday, June 9, 2011

13 weeks now...

 This is Ralphie.
Ralphie is a Basset Hound.

He's our newest baby.
We wuv him.

We got him on Mother's Day... or rather, I did.

He was only 9 weeks old when he joined our family.
We've had him for about 4 1/2 weeks.  He's 13 1/2 weeks now.

Ain't I good at math?

 Ralphie has made himself right at home.

This happens all day long... every day.
Every day for the past 4 1/2 weeks.
Did I mention that it happens all day long?
 But we all still wuv him.
 These two items have become my newest best friends...
as well as, the diapers and the wipes for the toddler.
It's non-stop and it's everywhere, man.

Much Love from Poop and Peeville...
just send more paper towels and air fresheners.