Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a day trip...

We drove into Corpus Christi yesterday to
visit the Texas State Aquarium.

It was baby boys first time at an aquarium... this trip is
turning out to be a lot of "firsts" for him.

I wasn't able to get many photos inside the aquarium...
something about my refusal to use a flash in low light settings.
I'm stubborn like that.
But I did capture this piranha... he was smiling at me...
might be because I looked like dinner.

We saw Nemo and Dory...

and all his buddies.

We saw the beginning of the dolphin show, but then it
started raining, so we bolted for cover.

We worked up quite an appetite at the aquarium
and lucky for us Pier 99 was within walking distance
where I had the best mahi burger.

This was our anniversary sunset on the drive
back to our little cottage.

Today, we'll hit the beach again and
watch Mae Belle ride the waves...

Haley skim board...

and Jack build sandcastles.

Happy Wednesday!

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