Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day...

It's Mother's Day.
I was up sipping coffee this morning while my family slept in.
Yep! They slept in! Ha!
But it was ok... it gave me a little time to do one of my
favorite things... blog.

I came across several poems that I thought I'd share.
Some remind me of my own life, and some I can
see some of my closest friends in.

Here's one for ALL of us mommas...

Super Mom
Mom, you're a wonderful mother,
so gentle, yet so strong.
The many ways you show you care
Always make me feel I belong.

You're patient when I'm foolish;
You give guidance when I ask;
It seems you can do most
You're the master of every task.

You're a dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.

I love you more than you know;
You have my total respect.
If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select!

Here's one for those of us who have daughters that have become mothers...

Daughter of My Heart
You turned out even better
Than I often dreamed you'd be;
You're more than I had hoped for;
You're a sweet reward to me.

You grew up to be a mother
Full of wisdom, warmth and love,

A good and fine role model,
A blessing from above.

I couldn't be any prouder

Than I am of you today;
You're my daughter and my friend,
And a wonderful person too.

You have my love forever;

I adored you from the start;
It's a privilege to be your mother,
Dear daughter of my heart.

For those of us who have sons...

Best Mom Award
For all the things I didn't say,
About how I felt along the way--
For the love you gave and the work you've done,
Here's appreciation from your admiring son.

You cared for me as a little tot,
When all I did was cry a lot,
And as I grew your work did too--
I ran and fell and got black and blue.

I grew some more and it didn't stop;
Now you had to become a cop,
To worry about mistakes I'd make;
You kept me in line for my own sake.

I got older, and the story repeated;
You were always there whenever I needed.
You guided me and wished me the best,
I became wiser and knew I was blessed.

So, for all the times I didn't say,
The love I felt for you each day,
Mom, read this so you can always see

Just how much you mean to me.

Mom, Thanks for everything!

This one is dedicated to the grandmothers that raised us...

Wonderful Grandmother
Grandma, you're so wonderful,
On Mother's Day I think of you--
The unconditional love you give
The sweet and generous things you do.

You've made a difference in my life;
I love you more than I can say.
That's why I give this poem to you,
To wish you "Happy Mother's Day!"

And we couldn't possibly forget the stepmothers we love...

Stepmother Poem
I'm so blessed that you're my stepmom;
Let me tell you how I feel:
The deep affection I have for you
Is honest, true and real.

On Mother's Day, I'm really glad
I'm able to convey
How glad I am you're in my life;
Happy Mother's Day!

Here's one for how I feel some days...

I want to be locked up
I want to be locked up
Away from everything

Free from all the craziness
A mother's day can bring.

No planning, shopping, cooking
Three healthy meals a day,
Served up with love to finicky kids
Who throw most of it away.

No constant interruptions,
Dirty laundry on the floor,
Driving everyone every place,
Sibling rivalry (It's war!)

No asking me to do things
Getting mad if I forget,
Me giving up my very self-
I'm the family marionette.

Prison sometimes looks appealing
(Or maybe the loony bin),
I get free time and three square meals;
With nothing to do, I win!

I want to be locked up
For freedom, time and such,
There's just one obstacle for me:
I love my kids too much!

And finally, one for all my dear friends...

Mother's Day Poem For A Friend
I'm proud to have you as my friend,
A wonderful friend for me;
You're also a great mother, too;
I watch you admiringly.

Observing you, I often think
How blessed the world is now
To have you in it, friend and mom,
Happy Mother's Day; take a bow!

Yes indeed! If you're a mother, take a bow!
And enjoy the day.


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