Saturday, October 4, 2008

saturday morning munchies...

Want something more on a lazy (or busy) Saturday morning than a bowl of cold cereal? Want something that doesn't require a lot of time and that is hot and satisfying?
Me too!

So, why not make these ol' time favorites... Pigs-in-a-Blanket. Remember these? I had forgot. Here in Dallas it's become a tradition for me to just run to the local donut shop and purchase a couple of "Kolache's". But after having my husband remind me of these this morning, I think they are much more charming. And a heck of a lot easier to just pop in your mouth on the go (if you actually had somewhere to be on a Saturday morning... like say, your kiddo's soccer game or something).

In case you forgot (like me) how to make the lil' suckers, let me remind you...


1 can biscuits
1 package lil' Smokies

~Preheat oven to the temperature on the can of biscuits... approx. 375 degrees
~Flatten and cut each biscuit in half.
~Roll up a lil' smokie in each of the biscuit halves.
~Bake according to biscuit directions... approx. 10 minutes

So, go ahead and make these ol' time favorites... they'll take you back to your childhood.

They also would be great to serve the morning after a sleepover/slumber party along with a box of donut holes and some fresh fruit.

Have great weekend!


Mary Ann said...

My son and hubby would go crazy for these!

Aggie said...

These have always been a favorite of mine!!